Summer Reading Giveaway!

Delve into some awesome reading with this four book series by Deanne Gist. I’m cleaning off my shelves and making room for new books. I guarantee you’ll love this series as much as I did. These are gently read but I have no kids or pets at home so you’ll barely notice.

To enter, leave a comment about your favorite summer reading spot. Drawing will be held on July 20th, Bold & Free’s blogiversary.

27 thoughts on “Summer Reading Giveaway!

  1. My favorite summer reading spot..mmm?! I wish I could say under a tree somewhere in a hammock sipping lemonade..but that would be sweaty and buggy here in Florida. I would have to say cozied up in my king size bed…with the AC on!…with a cup of Starbucks Verona brewed coffee..with a tad of CoffeeMate Hazelnut creamer. 🙂

  2. That would be in my living room, on my couch, where I have a great view of the kids playing outside. If I didn’t have the little one running around inside, I would be outside reading on my cozy deck! 🙂

  3. Anywhere I am. I’m not picky about my surroundings since I’m taken away by the book, anyway.I do have a nice chaise near a window that I like to sit on.

  4. Thanks for stopping by this morning, Jan.I would love these books! I have to agree with Kay–anywhere I am. I read the most while preparing for bed, curled up beneath the reading lamp and propping the book on my pillow.

  5. My Favorite place to read is under a tree… but Oklahoma’s hot and humid summers make that sticky. I usually end up stretched out on my bed, with the window at the head of the bed open to give me light, and the cats a place to lounge near me.I can and do read anywhere. I remember as a kid getting punished for staying out at recess, once. I was SO INTO the book, I didn’t hear the bell, didn’t notice the kids running past me to go inside. I was inside the book, not outside. One of my classmates was sent to retrieve me.

  6. I’ll be doing the meme shortly. :)My favorite summer reading spot, as a kid, was up in the oak tree in the neighbor’s back yard. Sometimes it’s in a loud, crowded space, where all noise becomes white noise. Sometimes just the corner of my couch. I don’t think I could get my big rear end up into a tree anymore.

  7. The glider in our new sunroom has pillows on the seat, a fluffy quilt on one end, and a soft velour throw on the other. I lie down facing the wall of windows using the quilt as my pillow and the arm to keep my feet from sliding off the end. Then I use one knee to move slowly back and forth. I rock and rock and read and then I wake up and rock and read some more. The best part? My 11-year old is usually in the rocker facing mine, reading ANOTHER book, and sometimes she falls asleep, too. And if you add a nice smoothy…man, folks, it’s all that and then some.

  8. My favorite reading spot is in my easy chair, with the breezes coming through the window, the birds singing outside, and I can hear the tinkling of some wind chimes in the distance. It’s even better if I have a Starbucks Latte to sip as I read. :)Hugs.

  9. My favorite summer reading spot is out on a comfy cushioned patio chair on the deck while my children play outside in the yard 🙂 Thank you for the giveaway!

  10. I have 2 summer reading spots….I like to read in my king size bed, especially after a nice hot shower. I called that my down time before going to sleep.My other spot is in my den on my couch with the AC on so low that I get really cold and is force to wrap up in my favorite comforter. 🙂

  11. I can’t believe you’ll be celebrating your blogiversary already. Where did the year go??? Okay, seems I’m at a bit of a disadvantage as far as my favorite reading place right now, but when my house is finished, I imagine I will read in my sunroom on my cozy florally green double chair… Feet stretched out on my ottoman. Of course, the very best reading place is in a bath full of frothy bubbles. And if M&M’s are available, all the better. Just be sure they stay out of the water, unless you want a colorful splash!

  12. I love to read anywhere. Really…But if I had to pick a favorite place it would be either in my bedroom curled up with pillows and something good to drink.

  13. I would have to say my favorite place is on my front porch in my oversized rocking chair that was made in Alaska. I can sit and read while my kids play in the yard and sidewalk. Although I usually read in bed at night while my hubby watches sports in the other room.

  14. My favorite spot and time to read is in the morning, with a cup of coffee…It is in my big over stuffed chair…with my feet up….I usually read the Bible or some good book to start my day out with….Thanks for visiting me!from the Heart of Texas!afriendtoyou!Judy

  15. You found me on facebook! Fun!I love to read outside in my hot pink chair on the porch. Unless it’s raining or the sun is too hot. Oh yah. And the beach. I go to the beach a lot and read. Unless it’s raining or the sun is too hot.Then it’s my red couch. And it doesn’t matter if it’s raining or the sun is too hot.

  16. My favorite summer reading spot is in my bed. Propped up on 4 fluffy pillows and laying beneath my lavender colored(and scented) sheets with the fan blowing. A soft light over my head and a view of the evening stars.The book of choice in hand would be Danielle Steele’s Wanderlust somewhere midchapter. Everyone else in the house would be asleep. YAWWn yeah.

  17. Hi Jan! Favorite spot to read…I love to read in a chair by my bedroom window with the sun shining in (in the winter – summer’s too hot for that). In the warmer months, I like a big plush couch in my living room where most of my family doesn’t think to look for me – I can hide for a little while anyway. LOL!

  18. OH SWEETIE!!I’D love to winMy favorite place to read inthe summeris on the sun porchwith mint iced sweet teaand in my hammock..I love to read!!Love ya too sweetie..deena

  19. When I was young, I liked my free reading time in class, although I usually took this too far and didn’t stop reading at the end of the specified time. I liked reading in the libraries back then too. I would also read in my bed that I shared with my sister.As I grew older, I would read just about anywhere that was convenient at the time, in and out of the house.Now, I like to curl up with my soft, fleece blanket (even in the summer because the AC makes me cold) on the couch, or under the same blanket on my side of the bed by the lamp. Sometimes, I’ll take the kids on an outing at the park and spread my picnic blanket out under a tree by the river and read there too. I just have more distractions there sometimes, but I make great attempts.

  20. Hi! found your blog through Marriage Mondays..I was wondering if I could join your give away even if I’m outside US? :)As for now, my favorite reading spot would be our couch downstairs when our kids are already asleep and I just have a time to relax. But how I miss my favorite reading spot back in my hometown..outside our house , underneath the tree with the sound of the rushing of the river. :)By the way, I also have a contest in my blog might be interested to join and get a chance to win a Thai Decorative letter holder.:)God bless!!

  21. Jan, I’m terrible. I don’t yet have one. I will tell you I have been reading in the dental office, the car, my bed, and the DMV office; this last one ~ not a fun place. I will try to find a special place this week. I think if I had my choice it would be on a blanket down by the creek under a tree. I do have such a place on my farm. If I do this my new found love of reading will become part of my life like it used to be. Thanks for entering me in your drawing. hugs, Kathi

  22. MY Favorite reading spot is in my room!on my bed with all my pillows stacked up so I can fall and get jsut the right spot to read! lol I turn my music on! open the window and let the sun come in and shine in my room!!!!

  23. I have two favorite spots. My first would be at the library in an overstuffed chair with a cold drink on the side table. It’s always quiet there and no one will yell, “Honey! or Mommy!” I can get lost in my book for hours without interruption because it’s the library. That’s what you’re supposed to do there.My second is sitting in my rocker/recliner, late at night in my studio (because office sounds a bit boring), with a hot cup of chai and my fuzzy green blanket resting nearby if I get chilled. Everyone else is asleep so no one yells “Honey!” or “Mommy!” Notice a theme here? 🙂

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